Kenrokuen Garden (Kenrokuen) | Indonesia Research Intitute Japan

Kenrokuen Garden, located in Kanazawa, is one of the three most famous gardens in Japan. This large area of land used to be the outer garden of Kanazawa Castle. The word Kenrokuen means “garden of six solemnities.” The six virtues include spaciousness, serenity, intelligence, antiquity, flowing water, and beautiful scenery. According to Chinese theory, these aspects are the key attributes to create a perfect garden.

The park is about 11.4 hectares in size and is located in the center of Kanazawa, next to Kanazawa Castle. The park was built by the Maeda family and has been protected from generation to generation for nearly two centuries. Walking through Kenrokuen, you can understand how this park is laid out with its various appendages: bridges, trees, flowers, houses, and beautiful rocks. There are two large ponds in Kenrokuen, Kasumigaike and Hisagoike. However, Kasumigaike is the more attractive of the two. Minicola is a symbol of the sea and Horai Island and is believed to have miraculous powers. Therefore, Kasumigaike and Horai Island are believed to symbolize the god’s longevity and eternal prosperity.



Kenrokuen Garden, Kanazawa, Tokyo.  Source:

People should visit Kenrokuen in every season, as each season offers different sights and sensations. For example, in spring, the cherry blossoms bloom beautifully, and in autumn, you can see them change to a brownish-brown color. Shouldn’t you take a break from your busy life and visit Kenrokuen?


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Author Information:

Gabriela Wibisono, Marketing & Business Development at PT Indonesia Research Institute Japan Jakarta

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    Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

    Recent Property Development

    The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

    However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

     Government Stimulus

    The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

    In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

    In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

    Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

    As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

    BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


    Source : Bank BTN (visit :

    Positive Trend in Q3  2020

    There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

    Source : Bank Indonesia

    Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

    Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

    Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

    In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

    Source : Bank Indonesia

     Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

    Source : Bank Indonesia

    As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

    Why Hotels?

    As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

    To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

    Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

    Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

    Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

    During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

    However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

    One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                              Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

    Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



    Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

    Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

    Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

    Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

    BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

    Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

    Recent Property Development

    The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

    However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

     Government Stimulus

    The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

    In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

    In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

    Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

    As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

    BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


    Source : Bank BTN (visit :

    Positive Trend in Q3  2020

    There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

    Source : Bank Indonesia

    Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

    Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

    Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

    In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

    Source : Bank Indonesia

     Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

    Source : Bank Indonesia

    As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

    Why Hotels?

    As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

    To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

    Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

    Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

    Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

    During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

    However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

    One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                              Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

    Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



    Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

    Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

    Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

    Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

    BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

    Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

    Recent Property Development

    The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

    However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

     Government Stimulus

    The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

    In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

    In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

    Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

    As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

    BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


    Source : Bank BTN (visit :

    Positive Trend in Q3  2020

    There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

    Source : Bank Indonesia

    Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

    Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

    Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

    In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

    Source : Bank Indonesia

     Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

    Source : Bank Indonesia

    As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

    Why Hotels?

    As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

    To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

    Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

    Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

    Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

    During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

    However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

    One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                              Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

    Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



    Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

    Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

    Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

    Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

    BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

    Domestic Investment (Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri/PMDN) and Foreign Investment (Penanaman Modal Asing/PMA). What are the differences? | Indonesia Research Intitute Japan

    Are you familiar with the terms PMA and PMDN? Penanaman Modal Asing/Foreign Investment is abbreviated as PMA, whereas Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri/Domestic Investment is abbreviated as PMDN. The difference between the two can be determined expressly based on this little explanation. A more detailed explanation of PMA and PMDN can be found in Investment Law Number 25 of 2007. Domestic investment (PMDN) is defined as investment activity to conduct business in the Republic of Indonesia carried out by domestic investors utilizing domestic capital, according to Article 1 of the law. Meanwhile, foreign investment (PMA) is defined as an investment activity carried out by foreign investors to conduct business in the Republic of Indonesia, either entirely with foreign capital or as the outcome of joint ventures with domestic investors. Investment activities, whether in the form of PMA or PMDN, must all have the same goal in mind: to help the national economy grow. There are, nevertheless, significant differences between the two. The following are as follows:

    (Picture source:


    Investor Subject. Domestic investors are Indonesian residents, Indonesian business entities, the Republic of Indonesia, or regions who invest in the Republic of Indonesia’s territory with a minimum authorized capital of Rp. 50,000,000,- and a minimum paid-up capital of Rp. 12,500,000,-. Foreign investors, on the other hand, are foreign persons, foreign businesses, and/or foreign governments who invest in the Republic of Indonesia’s territory with a minimum authorized capital of Rp. 10,000,000,000,- and a minimum paid-up capital of Rp. 2,500,000,000,-. Direct investment or other schemes can be used to make investments.

    Obligations of Manpower and Technology Experts. In theory, any company can serve as a learning environment for its employees, allowing them to enhance their skills. This capacity enhancement will benefit both employees and the organization in the long run. It’s just that PMA has some unique responsibilities. PMA is mandated to hire Indonesian workers first and foremost. PMA is also required to provide job training to Indonesian citizens in order to improve their skills. Even if foreign workers are used, the corporation must train and transmit technology to Indonesian staff.

    (picture source from:

    Investment Sector Restrictions. Investment activities can be used to virtually any industry or type of business. However, if the field of business is governed by legislation, exceptions may exist. This exception can be found in Presidential Regulation Number 10 of 2021, which contains the most recent Negative Investment List (NIL). Foreign investors must first study their business operations on the NIL, which specifies the limits on foreign ownership in a preset business classification, before deciding to form a PMA company in Indonesia. The Investment Coordinating Board issues and ratifies NIL (BKPM).

    The general conclusion about the differences between PMA and PMDN may be found in the subject and object, as well as the business sector constraints imposed by the applicable law. Despite their differences, both PMA and PMDN play a crucial role in keeping the wheels of the national economy turning.

    Based on what has been described above, our company provides services for investors in Japan who intend to invest in Indonesia, either in direct investment or indirect investment. In the event that an investor in Japan wants to make direct investment, we can help the company to be able to do market research, establish a company, take care of permits, work and residence permits for foreign investors and others. In addition, we also have reputable partners to be able to manage funds if investors in Japan want to invest indirectly or invest in the Indonesian capital market.

    For more information, you can contact us via the contact below:

    Hotline: + 62-857-1892-3842



    Author Information:

    Karmelia Sri K, S.H. The author is a Legal Staff at PT. Indonesia Research Institute Japan – Jakarta

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      Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

      Recent Property Development

      The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

      However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

       Government Stimulus

      The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

      In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

      In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

      Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

      As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

      BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


      Source : Bank BTN (visit :

      Positive Trend in Q3  2020

      There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

      Source : Bank Indonesia

      Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

      Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

      Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

      In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

      Source : Bank Indonesia

       Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

      Source : Bank Indonesia

      As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

      Why Hotels?

      As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

      To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

      Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

      Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

      Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

      During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

      However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

      One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

      Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



      Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

      Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

      Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

      Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

      BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

      Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

      Recent Property Development

      The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

      However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

       Government Stimulus

      The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

      In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

      In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

      Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

      As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

      BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


      Source : Bank BTN (visit :

      Positive Trend in Q3  2020

      There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

      Source : Bank Indonesia

      Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

      Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

      Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

      In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

      Source : Bank Indonesia

       Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

      Source : Bank Indonesia

      As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

      Why Hotels?

      As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

      To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

      Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

      Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

      Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

      During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

      However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

      One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

      Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



      Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

      Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

      Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

      Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

      BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

      Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

      Recent Property Development

      The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

      However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

       Government Stimulus

      The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

      In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

      In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

      Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

      As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

      BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


      Source : Bank BTN (visit :

      Positive Trend in Q3  2020

      There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

      Source : Bank Indonesia

      Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

      Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

      Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

      In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

      Source : Bank Indonesia

       Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

      Source : Bank Indonesia

      As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

      Why Hotels?

      As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

      To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

      Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

      Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

      Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

      During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

      However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

      One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

      Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



      Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

      Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

      Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

      Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

      BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

      The Indonesian Healthtech Startup Nets Fresh Funding | Indonesia Research Intitute Japan

      The Indonesian Healthtech Startup Nets Fresh Funding

      “This post is written by Moh Mahrus Ali, Market Research & Business Development at PT Indonesia Research Institute Japan Jakarta, a global management consulting firm on business strategy”

      Healthtech startup Alodokter on June 7 announced the acquisition of additional funds from MDI Ventures, Samsung Ventures Investment Corporation and a subsidiary of Telkom group. No mention of the amount of funds added, this investment continues the C+ series funding previously recorded in November 2020 and series C funding in October 2019. Why can Alodokter get the funds? And what will the funds be used for in the future?

      Since 2019, Alodokter has raised a lot of money from investors such as Softbank Ventures, Sequis, Golden Gate Ventures, Philips, Heritas and Hera Capital. Alodokter will use these funds to continuously expand and digitize the healthcare ecosystem to develop new products for the Alodokter platform. According to Nathanael Faibis, Founder & CEO of Alodokter, Alodokter will focus on improving several things including technological innovation, improving talent pool, and adding new features and functionality. The expansion that Alodokter is doing is always focused on providing a fast, accurate, and reliable consumer experience on the Alodokter platform.

      Telkom Group is on a mission to support innovation through its subsidiaries and continues to provide solutions to millions of people in Indonesia. MDI has invested in over 50 startups in Indonesia and around the world, focusing on investments in healthcare, fintech, agritech, logistics, new retail and deep tech. Moreover, Donald Wihardja, CEO of MDIVentures said: “All innovations, from telemedicine to insurance, are developed to meet Indonesia’s need for affordable and accessible health care. The MDI Fund will further expand healthcare development through potential partnerships with several BUMN organizations in Indonesia. 

      This grant is very useful in fulfilling Arro Doctor’s mission to develop digital-based integrated health care services in Indonesia. The Alodokter platform is currently connected to more than 43,000 doctors and 1,500 hospitals and clinics in Indonesia, serving millions of patients. Through its platform, Alodokter is providing comprehensive digital health services, including reliable medical content, access to general practitioners and specialists (telemedicine), online doctor appointments in hospitals, and affordable insurance for purchasing medicines from online pharmacies.

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        Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

        Recent Property Development

        The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

        However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

         Government Stimulus

        The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

        In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

        In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

        Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

        As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

        BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


        Source : Bank BTN (visit :

        Positive Trend in Q3  2020

        There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

        Source : Bank Indonesia

        Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

        Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

        Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

        In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

        Source : Bank Indonesia

         Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

        Source : Bank Indonesia

        As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

        Why Hotels?

        As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

        To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

        Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

        Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

        Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

        During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

        However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

        One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                  Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

        Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



        Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

        Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

        Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

        Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

        BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

        Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

        Recent Property Development

        The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

        However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

         Government Stimulus

        The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

        In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

        In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

        Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

        As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

        BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


        Source : Bank BTN (visit :

        Positive Trend in Q3  2020

        There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

        Source : Bank Indonesia

        Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

        Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

        Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

        In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

        Source : Bank Indonesia

         Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

        Source : Bank Indonesia

        As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

        Why Hotels?

        As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

        To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

        Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

        Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

        Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

        During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

        However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

        One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                  Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

        Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



        Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

        Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

        Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

        Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

        BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

        Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

        Recent Property Development

        The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

        However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

         Government Stimulus

        The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

        In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

        In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

        Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

        As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

        BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


        Source : Bank BTN (visit :

        Positive Trend in Q3  2020

        There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

        Source : Bank Indonesia

        Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

        Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

        Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

        In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

        Source : Bank Indonesia

         Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

        Source : Bank Indonesia

        As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

        Why Hotels?

        As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

        To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

        Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

        Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

        Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

        During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

        However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

        One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                  Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

        Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



        Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

        Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

        Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

        Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

        BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

        Four Research Institutions in Indonesia Merged into BRIN BPPT, LIPI, LAPAN, and BATAN Merged into BRIN | Indonesia Research Intitute Japan

        “This post is written by Dania Syafira, Market Research & Business Development at PT Indonesia Research Institute Japan Jakarta, a global management consulting firm on business strategy.”


        All of Indonesia’s research, development, study and application institutions (Penelitian, Pengembangan, Pengkajian, Penerapan known as Litbangjirap) are merged into BRIN corresponding to the enactment of Presidential Regulation No.33/2021 on the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). This regulation has been signed and starts effectively on April 28, 2021. The four research institutions that merged into BRIN according to presidential regulation are Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), The Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), and the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN).

        According to article 69 paragraph 1,  the integration of LIPI, BPPT, BATAN, and LAPAN tasks and authorities into BRIN must be completed within two years of the implementation of Presidential Regulation No.33/2021. It is also explained in Article 70 Paragraph 1 that all financing, staff, equipment, assets, and documents as well as the transfer of other objects owned by the four merged institutions will be integrated into BRIN.

        The purpose of establishing BRIN is to synchronize the discovery and invention of all research institutions (Litbangjirap) in Indonesia so that its outcomes can be more comprehensive and applicable in formulating national development strategies based on scientific evidence.


        Picture of the organizational structure of BRIN

        The organizational structure of BRIN is also mandated in Presidential Regulation No. 33 of 2021 Article 5 that BRIN consists of a Steering Board and Executive Board. The steering board’s role is to advise the BRIN’s head on strategic planning. Megawati Soekarnoputri, a member of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP), chairs the head of the steering board. Meanwhile, Laksana Tri Handoko was appointed as BRIN’s head of executive board. The executive division consists of the head, deputy head, main secretariat, seven deputies, and the implementing organization (OP). The four research institutes that have been merged are the elements of BRIN’s Litbangjirap implementing organization (OP Litbangjirap). 

        Indonesia Research Institute Japan offers all services from desk research, in-depth interview, feasibility studies  and market surveys for better understanding of any topic that your company is interested in. For More Information and Services, please contact us :

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        Nurita, D. (2021). Presidential Regulation Merges 4 Institutions into BRIN. Retrieved from 

        Ridwansyah, D. (2021). LIPI, BPPT, Batan, dan Lapan Resmi Dilebur ke BRIN. Retrieved from 

        Halim, F., & Ambarita, E. (2021). Perpres Diteken, LIPI, BPPT, Batan dan Lapan Dilebur Menjadi BRIN. Retrieved from 

        Egeham, L. (2021). Jokowi Teken Perpres, LIPI, BPPT, BATAN, dan LAPAN Dilebur ke BRIN. Retrieved from Liputan 6:

        Alfiqri, A. (2021). Struktur Baru BRIN. Retrieved from Alinea:

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          Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

          Recent Property Development

          The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

          However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

           Government Stimulus

          The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

          In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

          In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

          Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

          As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

          BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


          Source : Bank BTN (visit :

          Positive Trend in Q3  2020

          There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

          Source : Bank Indonesia

          Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

          Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

          Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

          In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

          Source : Bank Indonesia

           Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

          Source : Bank Indonesia

          As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

          Why Hotels?

          As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

          To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

          Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

          Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

          Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

          During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

          However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

          One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                    Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

          Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



          Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

          Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

          Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

          Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

          BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

          Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

          Recent Property Development

          The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

          However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

           Government Stimulus

          The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

          In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

          In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

          Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

          As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

          BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


          Source : Bank BTN (visit :

          Positive Trend in Q3  2020

          There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

          Source : Bank Indonesia

          Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

          Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

          Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

          In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

          Source : Bank Indonesia

           Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

          Source : Bank Indonesia

          As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

          Why Hotels?

          As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

          To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

          Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

          Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

          Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

          During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

          However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

          One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                    Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

          Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



          Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

          Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

          Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

          Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

          BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

          Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

          Recent Property Development

          The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

          However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

           Government Stimulus

          The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

          In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

          In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

          Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

          As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

          BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


          Source : Bank BTN (visit :

          Positive Trend in Q3  2020

          There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

          Source : Bank Indonesia

          Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

          Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

          Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

          In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

          Source : Bank Indonesia

           Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

          Source : Bank Indonesia

          As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

          Why Hotels?

          As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

          To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

          Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

          Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

          Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

          During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

          However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

          One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                    Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

          Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



          Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

          Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

          Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

          Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

          BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

          Indonesian logistics startup SiCepat enters electric vehicle business | Indonesia Research Intitute Japan


          This post is written by Raffi Alfananda, Market Research & Business Development at PT Indonesia Research Institute Japan Jakarta, a global management consulting firm on business strategy.”


          NFC PT Indonesia Tbk (NFCX), PT M Cash Integrasi Tbk subsidiary, has entered the electric vehicle subsidies enterprise by setting up a joint venture with PT SiCepat Ekspres Indonesia. PT Energi Selalu Baru (ESB), a joint venture company, focuses on the distribution of electric motors, battery exchanges and various support services, is established. PT Digital Mediatama Maxima Tbk (DMMX) and PT Telefast Indonesia Tbk (TFAS), through commercial support, infrastructure and the ecosysteries, will hold a minority stake in ESB.


          PT Digital Mediatama Maxima Tbk (DMMX) and PT Telefast Indonesia Tbk (TFAS) will own a minority stake in ESB by providing commercial, infrastructure and ecosystem support. ESB will also have a majority stake in EV manufacturing company, PT Volta Indonesia Semesta (Volta). Volta will be the main production house of electric motorcycles for ESB, while NFCX provides and manages digital platforms for vehicle registration and management, payments and rewards


          They use two wheels to navigate along narrow roads and alleyways to deliver e-commerce packages across the country. Applications have also been submitted by passenger airlines that Theophilus refuses to identify, and by some regional and local governments. NFC said in a press release that the Volta electric scooter is currently undergoing beta testing with government agencies and several private companies, and is expected to be ready for “mass market access” before the end of this year.


          As elsewhere, the main obstacle to the development of the electric vehicle market in Indonesia is the lack of supporting infrastructure. The number of charging and battery exchange stations is limited, even in the capital, Jakarta. The Energy Department reported that in April, only 122 charging stations had been set up for the country of more than 270 million people.


          NFC and SiCepat want to address this shortcoming by leveraging their extensive network of retail and logistics partners across the world’s largest archipelago. Through its subsidiary Digital Mediatama Maxima, NFC has provided cloud advertising and other digital services to tens of thousands of retail outlets in Indonesia including Alfamart and Sampoerna Retail Community outlets.


          Indonesia Research Institute Japan offers all services from desk research, in-depth interview, feasibility studies  and market surveys for better understanding of any topic that your company is interested in. 

          For More Information and Services, please contact us :

          Consulting Services info :

          Hotline:  +6285718923842




          Tech in Asia – Connecting Asia’s startup ecosystem. (n.d.). 

          Jatmiko, B. P. (2021, June 10). NFCX Gandeng SiCepat Masuki Bisnis Kendaraan Listrik.

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            Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

            Recent Property Development

            The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

            However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

             Government Stimulus

            The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

            In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

            In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

            Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

            As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

            BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


            Source : Bank BTN (visit :

            Positive Trend in Q3  2020

            There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

            Source : Bank Indonesia

            Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

            Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

            Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

            In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

            Source : Bank Indonesia

             Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

            Source : Bank Indonesia

            As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

            Why Hotels?

            As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

            To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

            Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

            Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

            Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

            During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

            However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

            One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                      Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

            Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



            Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

            Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

            Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

            Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

            BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

            Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

            Recent Property Development

            The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

            However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

             Government Stimulus

            The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

            In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

            In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

            Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

            As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

            BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


            Source : Bank BTN (visit :

            Positive Trend in Q3  2020

            There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

            Source : Bank Indonesia

            Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

            Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

            Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

            In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

            Source : Bank Indonesia

             Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

            Source : Bank Indonesia

            As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

            Why Hotels?

            As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

            To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

            Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

            Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

            Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

            During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

            However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

            One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                      Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

            Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



            Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

            Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

            Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

            Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

            BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

            Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

            Recent Property Development

            The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

            However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

             Government Stimulus

            The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

            In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

            In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

            Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

            As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

            BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


            Source : Bank BTN (visit :

            Positive Trend in Q3  2020

            There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

            Source : Bank Indonesia

            Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

            Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

            Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

            In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

            Source : Bank Indonesia

             Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

            Source : Bank Indonesia

            As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

            Why Hotels?

            As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

            To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

            Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

            Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

            Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

            During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

            However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

            One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                      Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

            Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



            Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

            Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

            Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

            Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

            BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

            Indonesian Migrant Workers in Japan | Indonesia Research Intitute Japan

            This post is written by Raffi Alfananda, Market Research & Business Development at PT Indonesia Research Institute Japan Jakarta, a global management consulting firm on business strategy.”


            More and more foreigners are migrating to Japan to start a new life or simply work. Currently, there are 1,460,463 foreign workers in Japan. In addition, there was an increase of 181,793 people in the foreign worker population, which is 14.2 percent greater than the percentage at the same time last year. In 2019 – 2020 the Indonesian government will send as many as 21,000 specific skilled workers (SSW) in Japan. 

            Of the 1,460,463 foreign workers in the country, there are 21.7 percent of Indonesia’s 41,586 total indonesian workers who depart for Japan. Minister of Manpower, M. Hanif Dhakiri said that “currently until the next few years, Japan will experience labor shortages and an aging society”. Then Indonesia is ready to send about 350.000 workers to Japan to be placed in 14 industrial fields and job categories over the next five years. Japan is currently in need of a lot of labor because it is experiencing an aging population.


            The required employment sectors include 14 industries and the category of jobs that require a lot of manpower is nurses; building cleaning management; machine parts and tooling industry; industrial machinery; electrical, electronic, and informational; construction; shipping industry; car maintenance; aviation industry; accommodation industry; agriculture; fishery; manufacture of food and beverages, and the food service industry. 

            • Indonesian Migrant Workers Salaries in Japan 

            The Indonesian Government has signed cooperation with the Japanese Government, which regulates the placement of Indonesian workers in Japan. Japan needs at least 345,150 potential workers. Minister of Manpower Hanif Dhakiri estimates a considerable salary, not only for the potential for a large number of workers. Hanif stated that Rp 20 million/month minimum wage jobs are available.

            In the light of the aging society that makes up the majority of its population, the Minister of Manpower states that Indonesian workers can enter Japan as a large number. while Indonesia has a demographic bonus so that the workforce population is large.

            Indonesia Research Institute Japan offers all services from desk research, in-depth interview, feasibility studies  and market surveys for better understanding of any topic that your company is interested in. 

            For More Information and Services, please contact us :

            Consulting Services info :

            Hotline:  +6285718923842




            Developer, M. (2019, June 25). Indonesia Siap Kirimkan Ribuan Tenaga Kerja ke Jepang. 

            Okezone. (2019, June 25). Kalahkan Menteri, Gaji Pekerja Indonesia di Jepang Minimal Rp20 Juta Bulan : Okezone Economy. 

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              Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

              Recent Property Development

              The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

              However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

               Government Stimulus

              The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

              In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

              In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

              Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

              As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

              BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


              Source : Bank BTN (visit :

              Positive Trend in Q3  2020

              There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

              Source : Bank Indonesia

              Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

              Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

              Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

              In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

              Source : Bank Indonesia

               Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

              Source : Bank Indonesia

              As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

              Why Hotels?

              As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

              To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

              Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

              Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

              Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

              During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

              However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

              One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                        Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

              Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



              Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

              Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

              Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

              Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

              BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

              Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

              Recent Property Development

              The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

              However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

               Government Stimulus

              The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

              In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

              In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

              Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

              As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

              BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


              Source : Bank BTN (visit :

              Positive Trend in Q3  2020

              There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

              Source : Bank Indonesia

              Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

              Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

              Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

              In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

              Source : Bank Indonesia

               Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

              Source : Bank Indonesia

              As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

              Why Hotels?

              As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

              To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

              Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

              Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

              Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

              During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

              However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

              One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                        Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

              Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



              Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

              Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

              Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

              Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

              BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

              Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

              Recent Property Development

              The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

              However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

               Government Stimulus

              The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

              In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

              In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

              Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

              As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

              BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


              Source : Bank BTN (visit :

              Positive Trend in Q3  2020

              There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

              Source : Bank Indonesia

              Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

              Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

              Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

              In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

              Source : Bank Indonesia

               Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

              Source : Bank Indonesia

              As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

              Why Hotels?

              As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

              To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

              Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

              Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

              Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

              During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

              However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

              One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                        Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

              Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



              Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

              Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

              Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

              Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

              BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

              “This post is written by Muhammad Ariq Aswata, Market Research & Business Development at PT Indonesia Research Institute Japan Jakarta, a global management consulting firm on business strategy.”

              Total Indonesian Direct Investment Realization (In Trillion Rupiah):


              The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), which was changed into ministry of investment in April 2021, reported that total direct investment into Indonesia reached Rp 219.7 trillion (approximately USD $15.1 billion) in the first quarter of 2021, 4.3 percent increase from the first quarter of 2020 and 2.3 percent increase from the previous quarter. The total investment realization of Rp. 219.7 trillion is composed of Rp. 108 trillion in domestic investment (PMDN) and Rp. 111.7 trillion in foreign investment (PMA). Singapore, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Switzerland are the five most significant investors in Indonesia. Indonesia expects to realize Rp 900 trillion in investment by 2021. 

              In comparison to the January-March 2020 period, FDI increased 14 percent to Rp 111.7 trillion, up from Rp 98 trillion. PMDN fell 4.2 percent to Rp 108 trillion from Rp 112.7 trillion. Investment will be realized in West Java, Jakarta, East Java, Banten, and Central Java in the first quarter of 2021. Property, industrial park, offices, basic metal industry, metal goods, non-machinery and equipment, transportation, warehouse, telecommunication, food industry, electricity, water, and gas are by far the most common investment projects. 

              According to the region, the highest investment realization for both domestic and foreign investment occurred in the Java region during Q1-2021. Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali and Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, and Papua are the next highest in terms of domestic investment realization. Meanwhile, Sumatera, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua rank first in terms of FDI realization, followed by Kalimantan, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara 



              BKPM. (2021, April 26). Domestic and Foreign Investment Realization. Quarter 1 – 2021.

              J, A. I., & Fardah. (2021, April 26). Indonesia posts 4.3-percent rise in investment realization in 2021 Q1. Antara News.

              Septyaningsih, I. (2021, April 26). Indonesia records investment realization of Rp219.7 trillion.

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                Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

                Recent Property Development

                The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

                However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

                 Government Stimulus

                The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

                In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

                In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

                Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

                As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

                BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


                Source : Bank BTN (visit :

                Positive Trend in Q3  2020

                There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

                Source : Bank Indonesia

                Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

                Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

                Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

                In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

                Source : Bank Indonesia

                 Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

                Source : Bank Indonesia

                As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

                Why Hotels?

                As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

                To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

                Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

                Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

                Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

                During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

                However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

                One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                          Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

                Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



                Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

                Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

                Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

                Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

                BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

                Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

                Recent Property Development

                The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

                However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

                 Government Stimulus

                The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

                In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

                In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

                Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

                As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

                BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


                Source : Bank BTN (visit :

                Positive Trend in Q3  2020

                There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

                Source : Bank Indonesia

                Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

                Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

                Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

                In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

                Source : Bank Indonesia

                 Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

                Source : Bank Indonesia

                As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

                Why Hotels?

                As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

                To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

                Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

                Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

                Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

                During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

                However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

                One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                          Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

                Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



                Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

                Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

                Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

                Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

                BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

                Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

                Recent Property Development

                The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

                However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

                 Government Stimulus

                The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

                In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

                In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

                Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

                As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

                BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


                Source : Bank BTN (visit :

                Positive Trend in Q3  2020

                There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

                Source : Bank Indonesia

                Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

                Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

                Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

                In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

                Source : Bank Indonesia

                 Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

                Source : Bank Indonesia

                As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

                Why Hotels?

                As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

                To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

                Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

                Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

                Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

                During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

                However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

                One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                          Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

                Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



                Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

                Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

                Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

                Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

                BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

                “This post is written by Moh Mahrus Ali, Market Research & Business Development at PT Indonesia Research Institute Japan Jakarta, a global management consulting firm on business strategy”


                The Ministry of Investment/BKPM will collaborate with Grab Indonesia and Tokopedia on the framework of developing digital-based micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. In what order is the cooperation done? What will the future have? In this article will discuss more details related to the cooperation.

                The cooperation is outlined in a memorandum of understanding signed by Ridzki Kramadibrata, CEO of PT Grab Teknologi Indonesia, and LeontinusAlphaEdison, Vice President and Co-Founder of PTTokopedia, at BKPM office, Monday, May 10, 2021. The collaboration is in line with government programs in an effort to provide convenience, protection, and empowerment of MSMEs to be more competitive. Based on data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs in 2018, as much as 99.9 percent of the total business units in Indonesia or about 64.2 million business units in Indonesia are MSMEs. And in terms of labor absorption, MSMEs absorb 120 million from 130 million Indonesian labor force, both formal and informal. Unfortunately, the majority of MSMEs that exist today do not have the legality of business licensing, so it becomes an obstacle for MSMEs to obtain financing and develop their businesses.

                The Business Parent Number (NIB) for low-risk MSMEs is not only as an identity and legality, but also as a single license covering the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) and Halal Product Assurance Certification (SJPH) after receiving guidance from the relevant agencies, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

                Grab Indonesia expressed its willingness to disseminate business licensing information and set up a help desk to facilitate MSMEs that are constrained in their business licensing management. Tokopedia through vice chairman and co-founder of PT Tokopedia Leontinus Alpha Edison also said that supporting the development of MSMEs through facilitation of licensing management for MSMEs under the auspices of PT Tokopedia.

                The scope of cooperation between the Ministry of Investment / BKPM with PT Grab Teknologi Indonesia and PT Tokopedia includes dissemination of licensing information for MSMEs, facilitation of business licensing and settlement of business barriers for MSMEs, development of digital-based MSMEs in order to improve competence and competitiveness, and other cooperation agreed by the parties in writing. In accordance with the data recorded in the OSS system from July 9, 2018 to March 31, 2021, the number of MSME business licenses issued reached 2,167,915 or 78 percent of the total business licenses issued, namely 2,761,139 NIB. The figure consists of 1,688,377 MSMEs NIB as much as 61 percent, 479,538 medium-sized enterprises NIB 17 percent, and 593,224 NIB large businesses 22 percent. 

                With this cooperation, it is expected that MSMEs can continue to work to spur their efforts. It is also a business opportunity for many. We, Indonesia Research Institute will provide services for investors in relation to carry out further research on such related investment business opportunities in Indonesia. Indonesia Research Institute Japan offers all services from desk research, in-depth interviews, to market surveys for a better understanding and provide a deeper insight of the topic that you want to further understand on how this business works.

                For More Information and Services, please contact us :

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                Thank you very much.


       (2021, May 11). National. Retrieved June 14, 2021, from

                Prabu, J. (2021, May 10). Economy. Retrieved June 14, 2021, from

                Umiyani, A. (2021, May 10). Micro Economy. Retrieved June 14, 2021, from

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                  Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

                  Recent Property Development

                  The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

                  However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

                   Government Stimulus

                  The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

                  In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

                  In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

                  Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

                  As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

                  BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


                  Source : Bank BTN (visit :

                  Positive Trend in Q3  2020

                  There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

                  Source : Bank Indonesia

                  Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

                  Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

                  Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

                  In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

                  Source : Bank Indonesia

                   Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

                  Source : Bank Indonesia

                  As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

                  Why Hotels?

                  As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

                  To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

                  Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

                  Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

                  Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

                  During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

                  However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

                  One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                            Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

                  Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



                  Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

                  Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

                  Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

                  Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

                  BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

                  Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

                  Recent Property Development

                  The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

                  However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

                   Government Stimulus

                  The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

                  In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

                  In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

                  Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

                  As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

                  BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


                  Source : Bank BTN (visit :

                  Positive Trend in Q3  2020

                  There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

                  Source : Bank Indonesia

                  Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

                  Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

                  Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

                  In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

                  Source : Bank Indonesia

                   Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

                  Source : Bank Indonesia

                  As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

                  Why Hotels?

                  As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

                  To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

                  Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

                  Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

                  Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

                  During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

                  However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

                  One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                            Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

                  Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



                  Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

                  Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

                  Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

                  Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

                  BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

                  Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

                  Recent Property Development

                  The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

                  However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

                   Government Stimulus

                  The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

                  In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

                  In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

                  Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

                  As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

                  BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


                  Source : Bank BTN (visit :

                  Positive Trend in Q3  2020

                  There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

                  Source : Bank Indonesia

                  Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

                  Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

                  Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

                  In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

                  Source : Bank Indonesia

                   Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

                  Source : Bank Indonesia

                  As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

                  Why Hotels?

                  As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

                  To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

                  Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

                  Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

                  Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

                  During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

                  However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

                  One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                            Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

                  Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



                  Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

                  Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

                  Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

                  Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

                  BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

                  “This post is written by Dania Syafira, Market Research & Business Development at PT Indonesia Research Institute Japan Jakarta, a global management consulting firm on business strategy.”

                  A financing company is a business that provides financing for goods or services for business/investment purposes or for consumption over a period of time. On December 31, 2012, financing companies that were formerly regulated and monitored by Bapepam-LK became regulated and supervised by OJK. OJK established these finance company regulations with the aim of making the financing business stronger, more productive, and inclusive.

                  Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (POJK) Number 29/POJK.05/2014 concerning the Implementation of Financing Company Business and POJK Number 31/POJK.05/2014 concerning the Implementation of Sharia Financing Business regulate this financing company. POJK Number 35/POJK.05/2018 on Business Implementation of Financing Companies and POJK Number 10/POJK.05/2019 on Business Implementation of Sharia Financing Companies replaced this regulation. With the issuance of new regulations, finance companies’ business activities are becoming more expansive and focused on the productive sector, such as through investment and working capital financing for business activities.

                  Investment financing, working capital financing, multipurpose financing, and other financing business activities based on OJK approval are among the types of financing activities that can be carried out by financing companies under POJK Number 35/POJK.05/2018 concerning the Implementation of the Business of Financing Companies. In addition to the aforementioned business activities, the Financing Company may engage in operational lease or fee-based business activities as long as they do not contradict with the provisions of financial services laws and regulations.

                  For More Information and Services, please contact us :

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                  Thank you very much.


                  OJK. (2021). Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Retrieved from Buku 5 Lembaga Pembiayaan:

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                    Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

                    Recent Property Development

                    The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

                    However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

                     Government Stimulus

                    The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

                    In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

                    In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

                    Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

                    As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

                    BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


                    Source : Bank BTN (visit :

                    Positive Trend in Q3  2020

                    There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

                    Source : Bank Indonesia

                    Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

                    Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

                    Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

                    In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

                    Source : Bank Indonesia

                     Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

                    Source : Bank Indonesia

                    As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

                    Why Hotels?

                    As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

                    To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

                    Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

                    Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

                    Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

                    During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

                    However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

                    One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                              Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

                    Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



                    Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

                    Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

                    Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

                    Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

                    BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

                    Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

                    Recent Property Development

                    The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

                    However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

                     Government Stimulus

                    The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

                    In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

                    In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

                    Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

                    As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

                    BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


                    Source : Bank BTN (visit :

                    Positive Trend in Q3  2020

                    There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

                    Source : Bank Indonesia

                    Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

                    Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

                    Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

                    In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

                    Source : Bank Indonesia

                     Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

                    Source : Bank Indonesia

                    As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

                    Why Hotels?

                    As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

                    To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

                    Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

                    Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

                    Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

                    During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

                    However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

                    One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                              Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

                    Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



                    Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

                    Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

                    Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

                    Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

                    BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

                    Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

                    Recent Property Development

                    The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

                    However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

                     Government Stimulus

                    The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

                    In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

                    In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

                    Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

                    As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

                    BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


                    Source : Bank BTN (visit :

                    Positive Trend in Q3  2020

                    There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

                    Source : Bank Indonesia

                    Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

                    Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

                    Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

                    In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

                    Source : Bank Indonesia

                     Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

                    Source : Bank Indonesia

                    As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

                    Why Hotels?

                    As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

                    To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

                    Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

                    Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

                    Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

                    During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

                    However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

                    One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                              Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

                    Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



                    Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

                    Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

                    Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

                    Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

                    BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

                    “This post is written by Moh Mahrus Ali, Market Research & Business Development at PT Indonesia Research Institute Japan Jakarta, a global management consulting firm on business strategy”


                    The work from Bali (WFB) policy will start gradually in July 2021 or the third quarter (Q3). The decision was conveyed by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno in the Weekly Press Briefing on Monday (7/6/2021). However, what is Work From Bali? Who can join the program? Is Bali the only tourist destination?

                    Work From Bali is a program from the government that invites people to work from Bali. Currently, the chosen location for WFB is the Nusa Dua area. The WFB program was launched by the Indonesian government to help the tourism sector of the Island of the Gods which was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. It is planned that WFB will be carried out in stages starting in the third quarter or July 2021. This method is believed to be able to accelerate the recovery of the tourism sector and creative economy in Bali. The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno revealed that the WFB policy initiated by the government was based on comprehensive data. The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, for example, conducted a WFB with several staff, including himself, in January 2021.

                    Sandi added, WFB will not only be implemented in Bali. But it can also be in other tourist destinations in Indonesia. For example, by implementing work from Lombok, work from Bajo, work from Toba, work form Likupang, and work from Borobudur. The concept follows a new pattern of working habits or remote working which was popularized with the concept of digital nomads. Sandi also mentioned that the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) is also developing a similar concept, it could even be a pilot. The key to its success is not only beautiful natural beauty and good management, but also a qualified internet network service.

                    Previously it was mentioned that the WFB program was intended for ASN, but it turns out that this program is not only specifically for ASN. This is because the WFB program is being socialized to state-owned companies and start-ups or startups. The socialization was carried out through a roadshow on 2-4 June 2021 online and offline to the offices of seven ministries and institutions under the coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, BUMN companies, and digital startup companies located in Jakarta. The socialization roadshow was also held with the Bali Provincial Government (Pemprov) and the Bali Tourism Creative Association.

                    Although ASN is said to be able to participate in the WFB program, it turns out that not all ASN can work from the Island of the Gods. The Head of the Communications Bureau of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Vinsensius Jemadu, said it was possible that only 25 percent of each ministry would be allowed to work from Bali. Meanwhile, the program is only for ASN who are under the coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Namely, from the seven ministries they command, namely the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP). Then the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of PUPR, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and the Ministry of Investment. The program is also only for ASN groups with certain positions.



                    Jawa Pos. (2021, June 9). Nasional. Retrieved June 10, 2021, from

                    Nyoman, W. (2021, June 8). Travel. (A. Wikan, Editor) Retrieved June 10, 2021, from

                    Ramadhian, N. (2021, June 8). Travel. (A. Wikan, Editor) Retrieved June 10, 2021, from

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                      Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

                      Recent Property Development

                      The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

                      However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

                       Government Stimulus

                      The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

                      In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

                      In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

                      Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

                      As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

                      BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


                      Source : Bank BTN (visit :

                      Positive Trend in Q3  2020

                      There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

                      Source : Bank Indonesia

                      Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

                      Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

                      Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

                      In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

                      Source : Bank Indonesia

                       Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

                      Source : Bank Indonesia

                      As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

                      Why Hotels?

                      As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

                      To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

                      Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

                      Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

                      Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

                      During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

                      However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

                      One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                                Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

                      Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



                      Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

                      Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

                      Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

                      Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

                      BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

                      Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

                      Recent Property Development

                      The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

                      However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

                       Government Stimulus

                      The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

                      In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

                      In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

                      Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

                      As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

                      BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


                      Source : Bank BTN (visit :

                      Positive Trend in Q3  2020

                      There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

                      Source : Bank Indonesia

                      Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

                      Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

                      Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

                      In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

                      Source : Bank Indonesia

                       Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

                      Source : Bank Indonesia

                      As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

                      Why Hotels?

                      As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

                      To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

                      Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

                      Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

                      Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

                      During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

                      However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

                      One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                                Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

                      Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



                      Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

                      Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

                      Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

                      Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

                      BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from

                      Authored by : Fitri Aulia | 22 December 2020

                      Recent Property Development

                      The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a quite severe blow to the property business sector in 2020. During the PSBB period, business activities were very sluggish and it can be said that some business actors suffered severe losses.

                      However, entering the new normal period, the economic activity in several sectors including property has begun to revive from the previous period. The role of the government triggers the revival of Indonesia’s property business activities.

                       Government Stimulus

                      The assistance provided by the government is in the form of subsidies or incentives for interest subsidies to debtors of public housing credit (KPR), which is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 138 / PMK.05 / 2020 and amendments to PMK 85 / PMK.05 / 2020 regarding the guidelines for providing interest subsidies in the effort to implement the National Economic Recovery program.

                      In early March 2020, the Government decided to increase the allocation of housing financing assistance by IDR 1.5 trillion for Low-Income Communities (MBR). This was stated by the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto in a webinar, Wednesday (29/7/2020).

                      In addition, the Government also has Bank BTN as their partner-collaboration to implement their OMH Program aimed at Low-Income Communities (MBR) with low interest rates and low installments for the purchase of a prosperous tread house and a welfare apartment.

                      Bank BTN noted, in 2015 they have provided housing financing assistance totaling 474,099 units. Then in 2016 as many as 595,540 units, in 2017 to 666,806 units, in 2018 to 755,093 units, and in 2019 to 735,749 units.

                      As of September 2020, BTN has provided home ownership credit support (KPR) of 93,448 units which cost as much as Rp. 15.6 trillion. These support provided by BTN is significant for the survival of the business property sector.

                      BTN commitment on supporting business property has not slackened. In fact, during the pandemic, BTN continuously provides support for the government program.The distribution of subsidized KPR is still a mainstay of BTN for the One Million Houses program.


                      Source : Bank BTN (visit :

                      Positive Trend in Q3  2020

                      There is a positive trend during Q3 2020 after it drastically dropped earlier in the year, indicates there is potential for the revival of Commercial Property Demand in Q4 2020 and the next Q1 2021.

                      Source : Bank Indonesia

                      Hotels and convention halls are two sectors whose demand has risen quite drastically in the Q3 after falling badly in the previous quarter. This demonstrates positive potential for its development in the future. Meanwhile, the demand of apartment remains low and still struggles to revive until now.

                      Growth of Commercial Property Demand in Jabodetabek

                      Overall in Jabodetabek, the commercial property sector also experienced a positive increase during Q3 2020.

                      In Jakarta, all commercial property demands show positivism with hotels being the most prominent in their development at Q3 2020. After previously shows a negative number, the total index in Q3 has at least increased to be positive.

                      Source : Bank Indonesia

                       Meanwhile, the growth in the total commercial property index jumped drastically in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Same case with Jakarta, its hotel sector are also the most prominent in reviving, at least in the Q3 2020.

                      Source : Bank Indonesia

                      As we can see on charts above, the hotel segment shows a great improvement in demand. This was driven by various kinds of promotions offered by hotels to adapt in this situation such as providing huge discount, staycation packages, working from hotels offer, and wedding reception packages.

                      Why Hotels?

                      As Indonesia gradually eases lockdown restrictions, the hotel occupancy rates across the country including Jakarta, have slowly started to pick up. However this is not without several efforts and sacrifices driven by people in the hotels sector to improve and revive the hospitality business sector in Indonesia.

                      To get through this hard times, efficiency and innovation are the main keys. Therefore, there are several trends created specifically to adapt to this era. Hotels competing with each other to offer a flood of discounts. To further intensify its sales strategy, there are several e-commerce platforms that is becoming a  great place to advertise rooms and staycation packages, such as Traveloka. The Buy Now Stay Later also sticks to this trend.

                      Hotels discounts on Traveloka (Source : Traveloka)

                      Another new trend is the Work From Hotel (WFH). As you might know, the abbreviation of WFH was initially stands for Work From Home. To connect the dots, Working From Hotel then exist and created because there are more and more office workers are getting bored with the atmosphere of their house and desperate to look for a new atmosphere. It’s a trend where hotels prepare rooms, complete with equipment and facilities to work (e.g : Wi-Fi , stationer, and free printing facilities,etc).

                      Source : Instagram @harrisfxsudirman and @arunasenggigi

                      During the transitional PSBB period, indoor wedding receptions are allowed to be held again after previously was banned temporarily due to the massive increase of the Covid-19 spread. This becomes the opportunity that triggers the revival for the hotel business.

                      However, this permission is also accompanied by the requirement to fulfill and comply with the health protocols made by the government. These includes the limitation of attendees to a maximum of 25 percent of normal capacity. Then, the seating distance for visitors is set at least 1.5 meters. Visitors are also prohibited from passing by or changing seats. The eating and drinking utensils must be sterilized, while the serving of food is prohibited from using a buffet. Last but not least, the wedding staffs are required to wear a mask, face shield and gloves.

                      One of the breakthrough in this trend was the make of  “Virtual Wedding” ever since June 2020. As this was the case held by The Sunan Hotel Solo, which offer a virtual wedding service package for 44.5 million. The event is only attended by the couple and their family members, meanwhile guests are able to attend the wedding virtually through various platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, while enjoying food sent by the hotel to their residences.

                                                                                                                                Source: The Sunan Hotels Solo

                      Finally, we might conclude that the property business in Indonesia has the potential to develop more despite the massive impact it has taken from pandemic outburst. Combining the stakeholders effort and the government’s support to stimulate this sector are expected to help revive the business sector in the future.



                      Bank Indonesia. (2020). Perkembangan Properti Komersial (PPKOM).

                      Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (2020, November 3). Tingkatkan Kepemilikan Hunian Layak, Realisasi Program Sejuta Rumah Hingga Akhir Oktober 2020 Capai 601.637 Unit. Retrieved from

                      Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat . (2020, January 3). Capaian Pembangunan Rumah Tembus 1,25 Juta Unit. Retrieved from

                      Kompas. (2020, July 29). Alokasi Tambahan Rp 1,5 Triliun untuk Perumahan Terkait 3 Program. Retrieved from

                      BUMN inc. (2020). Target Penyaluran KPR Bank BTN Naik Menjadi 300.000 Unit Per Tahun. Retrieved from